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In Honour of Christ


In Honour of Christ

Roya. J

September 15, 2023

Afghan Journal of Theology, Vol. 1

Lost and adrift, Jesus called out to me,
With His love and grace, He set me free.
He forgave my every sin upon His cross,
From all my rebellion, He separated me.

He introduced me to His Father above,
Built me up with each word of love.
So humble was my God, to me so dear,
He left His glory to draw me near.

Christ kept His promises, made them true,
Filled my heart with joy and purity anew.
When asked why I've given Him my heart,
I'll say, "He sacrificed Himself to set me apart."

Read other articles from this volume:

Women from a Christian Perspective

Women from a Christian Perspective

This article delves into Biblical perspectives on women's creation and teachings of respect towards women in the Christian faith.

Christianity and Hope

Christianity and Hope

This article explores the profound significance of hope, emphasizing its active-nature and its enduring importance in Christian faith. These endure: faith, hope, and love.

The Good News For Afghanistan

The Good News For Afghanistan

In the midst of hopelessness, despondency, suffering, what does Afghanistan need most? Advise? Sharia? Law? Afghanistan needs a Savior.

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