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Quick Judgements and Generalizations


Quick Judgements and Generalizations

Dawood Zare

September 15, 2023

Afghan Journal of Theology, Vol. 1

An Afghan claiming to be an atheist, having only briefly examined the religion passed down from his ancestors, i.e. Islam, and neglecting to study other religious texts and beliefs, confidently declared the insignificance of all religions on his Facebook page. When questioned if he had thoroughly researched all religions to form such a conclusion, he did not response.

They shared a Psalm from the Book of Psalms attributed to David, along with a verse from their former religion, questioning whether these are truly the words of God, which express praise, glorification of the Lord, and seeking forgiveness. Does God praise Himself and seek forgiveness in His own book?

My friend, when we read in our own former religious scriptures the assertion that its diety sent the Psalms to David and imagine that the Lord personally hand-wrote the Book of Psalms and dispatched them to his prophet via express mail, we must acknowledge that this is not the reality. If you find issues with your former religion, its scriptures, and verses, you have every right to do so, but kindly refrain from comparing them with the scriptures of others.

None of the authors of the Bible have asserted that God personally dispatched a particular book to them or through one of His angels.

The authors of the Holy Bible, inspired and filled with the Spirit of God, initially commenced praising, glorifying, and worshiping the Lord. Subsequently, they penned down the same hymns, prophecies, commandments, and inspirations received from the Lord, which were later compiled and incorporated into the holy scripture.

Therefore, it's important to understand that the Lord did not physically hand any book to anyone. Deeming Christianity false for this reason is a fallacy.

This is merely an unfounded assertion and a broad, subjective interpretation. Without proper examination, we hastily equate all religions and pass judgment irresponsibly and recklessly.

Read other articles from this volume:



A few introductory words about the vision, mission, and aim of the Afghan Journal of Theology and the ministry of Lumens of Truth.

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

This is the statement of faith of the Lumens of Truth ministries, outlining and summarizing our beliefs based on the Word of God.

What Is Theology?

What Is Theology?

It is important to ask the question, "What is theology and why is it important?", in the beginning of a theological journal.

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