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The Good News For Afghanistan


The Good News For Afghanistan

G. Javed

September 15, 2023

Afghan Journal of Theology, Vol. 1

We made plans to go for some holidays with a few friends. All of us joyfully got ready, and upon reaching the river, we spread out our rugs beside it and put the picnic baskets down. As the warm weather was warm, everyone eagerly made their way towards the water.

Ehsan said, "I can no longer wait; I need to jump in the water!"

We all enthusiastically agreed and jumped into the water.

The water refreshed our spirits, and each person was lost in their thoughts until I noticed Qadir raising his head slightly above the water, gesturing with his hands, submerging again, and repeating the same motion.

All our friends started shouting at him to stop. One said, "Kick your hands and feet; if you don't, you'll drown." Another shouted loudly, repeating, "Move your hands and feet..."

Sadeq pleaded, "Please, someone help him; he'll drown..."

We all turned to Ehsan, hoping he would intervene. Ehsan expressed, "I'm afraid to approach him; when someone is on the verge of drowning, anyone who goes near ends up being gripping them tightly and risks drowning too."

In short, despite Qadir's efforts, as he splashed water and gasped, unable to make any progress, he lost hope and realized his efforts were futile.

At that moment, one of our friends rushed forward, reached him, grabbed him from behind, and dragged him out of the water.

Qadir resembled a lifeless figure, a dead man, unable to utter a word. Not only him, but all of us felt lifeless and had lost color.

We were gripped by such intense fear as if someone had actually died.

Nearly an hour later, we regained composure, and the blood circulation seemed resumed in our veins.

Ehsan questioned, "Qadir, why weren't you able to hear us when we were calling out to you from above? Why didn't you obey our instructions?"

Others repeated Ehsan's words, one saying, "I told you to lift your head above the water."

Another added, "I specifically told you to take a breath."

In essence, everyone was admonishing Qadir.

Finally, Qadir looked at everyone and said: "At that moment, I didn't require guidance or instruction. I was aware within myself that I faced a problem, I know that I was scared, I knew myself that I was my actions were erroneous because I felt myself drowning. What I needed above all was someone who could physically save me...".

When I see the condition of my country and people, I am reminded of Qadir's plight..

My people are completely hopeless. But they do not require advise and instruction; what they need foremost is a Savior.

The Good News of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ says:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Jesus Christ does not just offer guidance, teaching, or instruction but he is the Savior that saves and rescues.

The meaning of the name Jesus is "Savior."

Please refer to the following verses:
Titus 3:7, Luke 2:11, Luke 19:10, Acts 4:12, 2 Timothy 1:10

Read other articles from this volume:



A few introductory words about the vision, mission, and aim of the Afghan Journal of Theology and the ministry of Lumens of Truth.

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

This is the statement of faith of the Lumens of Truth ministries, outlining and summarizing our beliefs based on the Word of God.

What Is Theology?

What Is Theology?

It is important to ask the question, "What is theology and why is it important?", in the beginning of a theological journal.

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