To Church Leaders
Dawood Zare
September 15, 2023
Afghan Journal of Theology, Vol. 1
Addressed to church leaders and ministers:
Like a faithful leader and servant, Paul the Apostle always endeavored to express and write about the positive and negative aspects of church leaders and members with great love. He encouraged those deserving of encouragement to become examples to others, while being mindful not to incite envy. He criticised to those requiring correction, ensuring clarity in communication, addressing their actions, while also discussing their responsibilities in the body of Christ and their continued unity.
Let us read Philippians chapter 2 verses 19 to 22:
I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. 20 For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. 21 For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22 But you know Timothy's proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel.
Verse 19, Point 1: Like Paul, leaders should place all hope and trust in the Lord, willing to accept whatever the Lord desires and wills.
Point 2: Leaders and ministers should be aware of the church's situation and the efforts of fellow faithful servants. The peace of mind of ministers about the church's condition fosters to progress in their unity in ministry.
Verse 20, Point 1: A church leader or servant should have a confidant to share their emotions, reflections, pains, struggles and weaknesses in their personal and spiritual life with, someone who understands, guides, and encourages them.
Point 2: Timothy exemplified being a servant of Christ, consistently putting others' interest above his own. Timothy was a servant always thinking of others. Christ's infinite love is evident in those who prioritize others. Do we have individuals like Timothy, who are consistently considering others' welfare, within our churches?
Verse 21, Point 1: "Others are all about their own interests"... Who are these "others" being refered to in this verse? Anyone can be included in "others", including leaders, ministers, and church members. It could be any one of us. Are we selfishly pursuing our own interests?
Perhaps we are aware of each other's difficult circumstances and maybe we do all that is proper for a good minister of the Gospel, but are we so preoccupied with our personal and spiritual daily activities and public ministry that we forget our primary duty for which we are specially called, that is to care for each other? How are we caring for each other, putting their interests above our own?
Point 2: Advancing the work of Jesus Christ? What did Jesus Christ entrust to his disciples and followers? The work entrusted to other was preaching, bringing the good news of salvation to others, teaching and discipling, being salt and light in this dark world, and...
Do we prioritize these primary tasks, or are we preoccupied with secondary concerns? Are we ambassadors of Christ's redeeming grace? Are we spreading the Gospel of salvation? If so, we are blessed; if not... we must be careful how we tread. We must recognize our primary responsibility. A church inactive in preaching and ministry of the Word is lifeless. Are we contemplating advancing Jesus Christ's mission?
Verse 22, Point 1: We should have a good understanding of our church leaders, ministers, and youth, discerning their roles and giftings in the body.
Point 2: As leaders have various duties in the church, we should help and serve them in performing these duties. No one can accomplish all tasks alone. It would be wonderful if our relationship, like Paul's and Timothy's, were in perfect honesty and love, just like family members.
Since leaders have diverse responsibilities in the church, it's crucial to support and assist them in fulfilling these tasks. No one can manage all responsibilities single-handedly. I pray that our relationship mirrored Paul's and Timothy's—marked by genuine honesty and love, as is appropriate in the family of God.
In conclusion, let us reflect on our relationships with church leaders and members. Like Paul the Apostle, may we approach these relationships with genuine love, honesty, and a commitment to mutual support and encouragement. Let us strive to prioritize the primary tasks entrusted to us by Christ: preaching the gospel, spreading His message of salvation, and nurturing unity within the body of Christ. As we work together in harmony, may church of Christ among Afghans flourish and thrive, reflecting the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.