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What Is Theology?


What Is Theology?

Samir Afghan

September 15, 2023

Afghan Journal of Theology, Vol. 1

Theology is like a beautiful map that the Church of Christ has been able to draw over two thousand years through extensive study of God's Word.1 Theology is not God's word itself; rather, it is the Church's contemplation about God's Word. Hence, theology is the Church's mission and special task.2. Theology presents us with a picture of God, humanity, sin, Christ, salvation, the Church, and Christian ethics.

The primary and authoritative source of all theology is God's Word. Correct theology is impossible without God's Word because proper thinking about God without His Word is impossible, although we can somewhat know God through nature.3 But the knowledge of God through nature is incomplete and unworthy of His character. As a theologian states, "Theology begins with God's revelation to us"4 because God has chosen to make Himself known to us through His Word.

Although God's Word is the foundational source of theology, three additional tools support us in this great mission: the tradition and teachings of the Church, reason and logic, and experience. These tools, while never surpassing God's Word in authority, aid in a deeper understanding and examination of God's Word.5

It is crucial to note that there is not just one method or way of studying theology. Theological study encompassed a range of disciplines and methodologies, particularly within scholarly theology. Often, when the term theology is used, many think of systematic theology. The image at the end of this article introduces us to the diverse branches of theological study.

The key question is, "Why is theology important at all?" In the beginning, we compared theology to a map. That is, when we want to go on a trip, we need a map because we we do not want to get lost. Theology is the map that helps us on our faith journey. However, theology is not our main goal. The main goal for you and for us is to know God better, to connect with Him, and to hear His voice.

It is possible to become so focused on the map that we forget the main goal. That's why we must say that theology that does not lead to worship is just study! However, without theology, we might not properly know God, our thoughts about Him might not be correct, and we may not worship Him as He deserves. Theology helps us renew our thoughts6 through God's Word and grow in the knowledge of God.7 Theology is loving God with our minds.8

My prayer for the Church of Afghanistan is to grow in the knowledge of God, to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to take part in the special work of the global Church. Contemplating about God and His Word is the highest honor and privilege for all humans, especially the Church of Christ.

1. C.S. Lewis uses this example of theology as a map in "Mere Christianity." Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity. HarperOne, 2009. p. 155

2. Karl Barth expresses this interpretation of theology in Volume 1 of "Church Dogmatics." Barth, Kail, et al. Church Dogmatics. Volume 1. The Doctrine of the Word of God, Part 1. T&T Clark International, 2004, p. 3.

3. Romans 1:19-23

4. Jones, Beth Felker. Practicing CHristian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking and Living Theologiacally. Baker Academic, 2023. p. 12

5. Many Christian thinkers have considered these sources of theology, but this method is named after John Wesley. These four sources of theology are called the Wesleyan Quadrilateral.

6. Romans 12:2

7. 2 Peter 3:18

8. Mark 12:30-31

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