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مشروب در مسیحیت

مشروب در مسیحیت

کتاب مقدس درباره نوشیدن الکل هشدار می‌دهد و تأکید می‌کند که این کار باعث اعمال نادانانه و ایجاد درگیری می‌شود. در عوض، تشویق می‌کند که به فعالیت‌های مثبت و سالم بپردازیم تا زندگی بهتری داشته باشیم.

متن برنامه:

Some of our friends have asked what the Word of God says about drinking. Well, when we read different parts of the Word of God, it teaches us about drinking. For example, when we read Ephesians 5:18, we see that the Word of God commands to not get drunk on wine.

Similarly, when we read Proverbs, written by Solomon, who was the wisest man in the world, we see that Solomon in Proverbs 20:1 says: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise." So, what Solomon has seen from his wisdom and his experience around him is that wine leads people to foolish and unwise actions.

When we look around us, if you know a friend or someone who has always been addicted to drinking, we observe that when a person get intoxicated, they do things they would never even consider doing in their normal life. They engage in actions they can't even imagine. So, wine leads people to foolish actions and also causes quarrels and fights. Many who get drunk end up fighting and arguing. Surely, you have been to weddings where some people got drunk, and we often see at weddings that those who get drunk do foolish things, fight, argue, and later regret it.

So, Solomon says: Those who become addicted to alcohol are unwise. When we understand the consequences of an action but still choose to do it, that is a foolish act. Those who become addicted to drinking, despite knowing the consequences, are acting foolishly. My wish for our people is that instead of becoming addicted to drinking, they turn to positive activities. There are many good things in life. Instead of drinking, you can engage in activities that benefit you. You can exercise, drink tea, or do other things that are good for your health, do not cause quarrels and fights, and do not lead you to foolish actions. This way, you can live a healthy life.

This is not just about what is forbidden and permissible, what is halal or haram, but about how a person can have a good life. Being addicted to wine is not the way to a good life.

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پاسخی به سوءتفاهم‌ها درباره اینکه دینداری کورکورانه است، با تأکید بر ایمان اندیشمندانه و تعالیم عیسی مسیح درباره حقیقت.

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افرطیت در انسان است، نه در دین و بی‌دینی. تعالیم عیسی مسیح درباره محبت و هم‌پذیری فراتر از دین و بی‌دینی است.

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