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انجیل چند فصل دارد؟

انجیل چند فصل دارد؟

یک دوست ادعا کرد که انجیل دوازده فصل دارد و از پیامبری به نام احمد نام می‌برد. ما سوءتفاهم‌های او را تصحیح کردیم و به او را تشویق کردیم که انجیل شریف را بخواند.

متن برنامه:

Our friend has written: "The Gospel has twelve chapters, my friend, there are four books left and it is said in your holy book that the last prophet is Ahmad. Come and become a Muslim.:

Dear friend! From your comment, it is clear that you haven’t even opened the Holy Gospel, let alone read it. Unfortunately, many comments from our Afghans, especially about religion, are based on imitation. They have heard others say something and they simply repeat it. For instance, they say that it is written in the Holy Gospel that Ahmad will come and you should follow him, while they themselves have never read the Holy Gospel. I am absolutely certain you haven’t read it either. Which Gospel has twelve chapters? This is simply not true.

Therefore, I encourage you to read the Holy Gospel once instead of repeating these imitative statements, and then you can claim whether that book mentions other prophets after Jesus Christ or not.

Thank you for your comment.

ویدیوهای بیشتر:

انجیل دست خورده!

انجیل دست خورده!

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Quran Contains the Gospel

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