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Quran Contains the Gospel

Quran Contains the Gospel

Exploring Jesus Christ's teachings on love and forgiveness as presented in the Gospel, while questioning whether similar teachings are found in the Quran.

متن برنامه:

This friend of ours wrote:

"How weak is your logic! How weak are your arguments! God has given you reason. With your reason, you can distinguish between good and bad. The Gospel that you read is all mentioned in the Quran. Please read the Quran once."

Our Response:
Dear friend,

Thank you for your question. Even though what you said is more of a piece of advice than a question, I still want to answer it as a question.

You said that everything I am saying is in the Quran and that I should read the Quran. I have read the Quran many times. I want to read a couple of verses from the Holy Gospel, and since you have read the Quran, please show me where in the Quran these things are taught.

For example, the Holy Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 38 and 39 says: "“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."

Jesus says do not take revenge. If someone does evil to you, do not do evil to them. Regarding kindness to enemies, Jesus Christ says in the same chapter, verse 43: "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Where in the Quran is it said that you should even love your enemies? I have not read it anywhere.

Jesus Christ tells us in John, chapter 13: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Jesus Christ even sacrifices his life for his disciples. Where in the Quran do we see such a thing? I would be happy to hear from you. Thank you.

ویدیوهای بیشتر:

ملت کی هستید؟

ملت کی هستید؟

مسلمانان هویت خود را در تعلق به «امت» پیامبر اسلام پیدا می‌کنند. دوست ما پرسیده است: شما متعلق به کدام امت هستید؟ به کی تعلق دارید؟

مشروب در مسیحیت

مشروب در مسیحیت

کتاب مقدس درباره نوشیدن الکل هشدار می‌دهد و تأکید می‌کند که این کار باعث اعمال نادانانه و ایجاد درگیری می‌شود. در عوض، تشویق می‌کند که به فعالیت‌های مثبت و سالم بپردازیم تا زندگی بهتری داشته باشیم.

چرا شما یک انسان را عبادت می‌کنید؟

چرا شما یک انسان را عبادت می‌کنید؟

آیا مسیحیان باور دارند که یک انسان خدا است؟ باور مسیحیان این نیست که یک انسان می‌تواند خدا باشد، بلکه این است که خدای قادر مطلق اگر بخواهد می‌تواند به شکل انسان ظاهر شود.

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