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Story of God for Children

The Story of David

The Story of David

Saul is rejected by God for his disobedience. The prophet Samuel anoints David, the youngest son of Jesse, as king over the Israelites because God values heart over appearance, unlike humans.


After the Hebrews left Egypt, the land of slavery, they lived in the land that God promised them. God chose Saul to become king over his people, but Saul soon forgot the word of God and did not obey Him. This is why God decided to overthrow him and give the power to a different person; someone whose heart is upright and ready to follow Him. This is how God chose the new king.

He sent prophet Samuel to a man named Jesse who had eight children. God said to Samuel, “When you get there I will reveal to you which of the children I chose to become king.” When Samuel met Jesse, Jesse brought his eldest son. Samuel saw that the boy was handsome and tall and thought to himself that this must be the one that God chose.

But God said to him, “Oh Samuel don’t let his appearance or height deceive you because he is not the one I chose. I don’t see things as man does. Man looks to the outward appearance but I look to the heart.” Jesse brought his second son to the prophet, but Samuel told him that this is not the one chosen by God. And so it was with each one of Jesse's seven sons.

Finally, Samuel asked Jesse, “Are these all your children? Don’t you have other sons?” And Jesse replied, “I still have the youngest who is now shepherding the flock." The prophet said, “Send someone to fetch him, because we will not eat until he is here.” When David, who was ruddy, handsome and bright eyed came, God said to Samuel, “Rise and anoint him with oil as a sign that this is the one I chose to become the king over my people."

Samuel did exactly as God told him. From that moment, David was filled with the spirit of God and power.

What was the criteria that God used when choosing David? What's the difference between the way God judges between people and the way man judges between people? What about you? What criteria do you use to evaluate or judge people?

More Videos in this Series:

The Story of the Call of Moses

Saul is rejected by God for his disobedience. The prophet Samuel anoints David, the youngest son of Jesse, as king over the Israelites because God values heart over appearance, unlike humans.

The Story of the Birth of Moses

Saul is rejected by God for his disobedience. The prophet Samuel anoints David, the youngest son of Jesse, as king over the Israelites because God values heart over appearance, unlike humans.

The Story of Creation

Saul is rejected by God for his disobedience. The prophet Samuel anoints David, the youngest son of Jesse, as king over the Israelites because God values heart over appearance, unlike humans.

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