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Story of God for Children

The Story of the Call of Moses

The Story of the Call of Moses

Moses encounters God in a burning bush. God tasks him to free the Hebrews from Egypt. Despite doubts, God equips him with miracles and assurance for the mission ahead.


One day, Moses was keeping his father-in-law’s sheep, when suddenly he saw a tree burning with fire. Moses was astonished because the tree was on fire but was not burning up. So Moses drew near to see what the story was. He heard a voice calling him, “Don’t get any closer Moses, and remove your sandals because the place you are standing is holy. I am God, the God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” So Moses covered up his face because he was afraid to see God and die.

God said to him, “I've seen how the Egyptians have wronged and humiliated my people and I have heard their voices and screams because of their suffering and I have remembered my covenant with Abraham, to give them the land that I promised them. That’s why I have decided to save them and get them out of the land of Egypt and take them to the bountiful land, the Promised Land. And now, I will send you to Pharaoh to tell him to let my people go.”

So Moses said to God, "Who am I that you would send me to Pharaoh?” God answered, “I will be with you and the day you get out of Egypt, you will worship me on this mountain.” He said, “If I go to the people and tell them that the God of their fathers sent me, and they ask me what his name is, what name should I tell them?” God said to him, “Tell them that the God whose name is ‘I am’ sent you.”

So Moses said, “And if they don’t listen to me? And don't believe me? And if they would say, "It is not true that God appeared to you!" What should I do?” So God answered him and said, “What do you have in your hand, Moses?” Moses said, “A stick.” He said, “Throw it!” Instantly the stick became a snake.

And he also said to him, “Now, grab it again.” Moses took the snake and instantly it turned back into a stick again. God said to him, “Do this so that they would believe that the God of their forefathers appeared to you.” He also gave him another miracle. He said, “Put your hand under your cloak then take it out.” Moses did exactly what God asked him to do. When he put his hand under his cloak, and took it out, it became leprous and when he put it back again and took it out, the leprosy was gone and his hand became as it was before.

God said to him, “If they don’t believe you with these two miracles, then scoop some water from the Nile and pour it on the ground and the water will turn to blood.” Moses said to him, “Oh God, you know that all my life it’s been hard for me to express myself with words and that I can’t speak eloquently. Send someone else.” God said to him, “I will put my words in your mouth and send your brother Aaron with you. And you will tell him what he needs to say to the people.”

Moses used to live in a palace, but then became a shepherd. How did God use this change in Moses’ life into a plan to deliver an entire people? God's goal was to deliver his people from 400 years of slavery and take them out of the land of Egypt. Why, according to you, did God choose a simple person with weaknesses and disabilities to accomplish this great mission? What can you infer from Moses' story about God's control over your life and his care for you even in your most difficult times?

More Videos in this Series:

The Story of the Fall

Moses encounters God in a burning bush. God tasks him to free the Hebrews from Egypt. Despite doubts, God equips him with miracles and assurance for the mission ahead.

The Story of Cain and Abel

Moses encounters God in a burning bush. God tasks him to free the Hebrews from Egypt. Despite doubts, God equips him with miracles and assurance for the mission ahead.

The Story of Abraham and Hagar

Moses encounters God in a burning bush. God tasks him to free the Hebrews from Egypt. Despite doubts, God equips him with miracles and assurance for the mission ahead.

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