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One of our Afghan friends asked a highly offensive question in a Facebook comment: "Is the Gospel holy?"

This question was raised because we often say or write: the Holy Torah, the Holy Psalms, or the Holy Gospel.


In response to this person, I must say: Yes! The Gospel is undoubtedly sacred. It clearly outlines respect and love for God and humanity, teaches about the holiness of God and sinfulness of man, contains teachings and guidelines, which, if applied in our lives, lead us to follow God both spiritually and physically. Additionally, it is filled with countless words that refresh the human soul.


Calling a book sacred should not be based merely on imitation, optimism, or fear; rather, we should truly study it and weigh it with the scales of reason, both from the perspective of God and from that of humanity.


Just as Jesus Christ himself is a model of righteousness, his message, teachings, and commandments are also righteous and humanitarian.


The Gospel tells us that Jesus Christ did not issue commands for war or killing people. He did not participate in any battles, nor did he kill anyone. He also did not send his disciples on any military missions.


He did not seize women, children, or anyone's property as spoils of war, nor did he give such orders to others. He had no slaves, concubines, or harem.


He did not misuse God's name or divine power for physical pleasures or human desires. He did not consider those who did not believe in him or who turned away from him as deserving of death. Not only did he refrain from stoning anyone, but he also actively prevented such brutal and inhumane acts.


He never lied. Instead, he proclaimed, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." [1]


He did not make it permissible for anyone to marry women whose husbands had been killed in battle. He did not promote the rape of young girls or utter nonsensical or irrelevant words. He never doubted what he said or did, but acted with conviction.


He commanded his followers to forgive their enemies and to pray for blessings upon them, and he demonstrated this to the people through his own actions. Wherever he went, he brought blessings, healing, and joy.


With his great miracles, he raised the dead, healed the lame, the blind, the lepers, and others with spiritual and physical ailments.


Many people recognize Jesus Christ not only for his words and teachings but also as the greatest moral teacher in practice.


So, how could a book that compiles his words, deeds, teachings, commandments, and the honorable qualities of his life not be sacred?


I hope those who doubt the sanctity of the Gospel will study it themselves and judge impartially whether it is sacred or not.


If the Gospel contained commands for taking spoils, raping married women and young girls, cutting off people’s hands and feet, looting others’ property, and other such crimes, we could never claim that the Gospel is sacred.


What do you think about the book you believe in? Is it sacred or not?


I am waiting for your response. However, if you resort to insults and curses, you will be questioning the sanctity of your own book in advance.


May God's grace and blessings be with you.




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