An Afghan friend has written: "You cursed human being! What country do you live in? Killing you is a religious obligation to me!"
My response:
Greetings and peace, dear friend! Firstly, let me express that ever since I have come to know Jesus, believe me, I have received nothing but blessings from the Lord. How can someone who has been so blessed by God be called "cursed"? There has been hardships, but despite facing problems, I have always felt the guiding hand of God as a heavenly father in my life.
Secondly, my prayer for you is to be freed from this curse of the inclination and desire to curse others and from this mindset that compels you to believe that killing a human being, who is created by God, is justified. This mindset does not originate from the true God.
I pray that you will be freed from this way of thinking, from this hatred, and even from such speech. I pray that you would allow this hatred to healed by His grace and come to recognize the true God who instructs us to love even our enemies.
I pray for your freedom from these chains from the Lord. I pray that you are released from these mental shackles that have trapped you...
Blessings to you,
Samir Afghan