My Life Is Very Hard - Pray For Me
We received a prayer request from a friend in great difficulties. We pray for comfort, guidance, and relief, trusting in God's mercy and assistance. Join us in this prayer.
Our friend has written: "Hello dear brother. Please pray for me. My life is very hard. Thank you very much."
Let us pray for our friend. Holy and majestic Lord, the one who wants to help us amidst our difficulties, the one who cares for us, knows our troubles, and understands our hearts filled with pain.
I pray for our friend in Your presence, that You hold his hand in the midst of all these problems, assist them, and be their helper. Lord, I may not know their problems, but I pray to You, the All-Knowing, O Lord! Have mercy on our friend. I pray for Your help amid their problems. Help them overcome these challenges. Let them experience Your grace and love amidst all this pain and sorrow, O Lord. Help them, Lord. We are helpless without You, but You are the ultimate solution. So, I pray that You assist and help our friend. Help them, for You are the Almighty.
I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.